Saturday, July 10, 2010

Duke the petite pit bull

Duke is a pit bull I found on ravelry and thought he'd make a great pet for Alberta. If your not a member of ravelry you should join but in the meantime, if you can't access ravelry go to Liz Lindo's website to find the free pattern for this cutie. The things she is creating are specular!! Like the, again free, pattern for a breathtaking top called the Lotus Blossom Cardigan She even shows how she pieced it together. How cool is this!!! She only makes this top in a med size so too bad for me but maybe I can still use her technique and come up with something. First I need to get help making a duct tape mannequin.

But anyway, Duke!!

He's a very happy little guy and he loves his owner, Alberta.

What's next? Robert Earl is coming to keep both Alberta and Duke in line...stay tuned.
Keep stitchin'

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